What is Therapy?

A lot of people are a bit scared or unsure of therapy. It’s a bit of an unknown.  Common blocks that might prevent people coming to therapy include a fear of the unknown “what goes on in a therapy session?”.  Other people seem embarrassed by it“isn’t it only crazy people who need therapy?” and yet others see it as unnecessary “what’s the difference between talking to a therapist and just chatting to a friend?” 

All of these are very relevant questions and hopefully I can answer them here;  Therapy should offer a supportive, encouraging environment where you can talk through your concerns without fear of judgement. You are in charge of what you want to discuss and you will set the agenda together with your therapist. Sometimes a listening ear can make all the difference to a problem that seems insurmountable.  

Everyone I work with is just a ‘normal’ person like you. We all encounter difficulties from time to time. If we have a problem with our car we call a mechanic, if we have a problem with our body we call a doctor, if you have a problem you are struggling with in your mind, why not call a therapist to get you back on track? Whilst there is infinite benefit in talking to a friend, sometimes it can be an extra help to talk to someone who is objective and not involved in the problem. Sometimes friends want to fix everything for you or maybe they are hesitant to really face the problem as it worries them too. A therapist will be able to help you look at the issues calmly and objectively. It’s always helpful to have someone sit alongside you as you face your fears or other difficult emotions.  

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